Selasa, 01 Maret 2016

Chocolate Pudding Recipe Delicious, Gentle and easy with Fla Sauce

Chocolate Pudding Recipe Delicious and Simple - Pudding made ​​of gelatin which is very useful for our health. Because the fibers contained in it is one of the functions to cleanse the bowel, by smoothing the metabolism in our body. With the smooth metabolism, the body will be healthier and function of digestive tools go well. So that your body fitter, healthier and does not get sick. Not to mention the benefits of the pudding is very filling but not fattening. Because the benefits are rich in fiber, the pudding is highly recommended as a replacement for the high-carb snack. And besides pudding can be eaten as often as possible.

Chocolate Pudding Recipe Delicious, Gentle and easy with Fla Sauce
Illustration Figure Recipe Chocolate Pudding with Fla Sauce

History Origins Mula Pudding

In Indonesia, we know the pudding as one type of dessert or dessert besides fruits. But history says that the custard pudding itself was originally not as a sweet dessert, but a kind of pie that contains animal fat, meat, fruit or baked goods. Well you know? How far away the difference.

A short history, the word pudding itself is derived from the French language (boudin) which means "blood sausage". According to the Latin language (botellus) means "little sausage". In medieval times, the name puddings many in Europe as the meat dishes were wrapped.

History Origins Mula Pudding
History Origins Mula Pudding

There is a type that is not sweet pudding called "suet pudding (fat pudding)". Suet pudding is as the name suggests is filled with beef and wrapped using pie dough made from flour, then mixed with the fat of cattle or sheep fat. You guys are never out of the country, particularly in Europe, had tried suet pudding this ?? Hihii.

In the UK, the puddings are often cooked and eaten as dessert. Surely processing method using flour, eggs, and cooked by steaming, boiled or roasted. In the end, this is the famous dessert to various parts of the world.

This time I will share with you all Pudding Recipe Brown who wants to make it look different.Chocolate lovers obliged to try Pudding Recipe Chocolate Sauce Vanilla Fla it. Curious how to make this delicious chocolate pudding? Check it out!

A necessary ingredient in making Chocolate Pudding Recipe Delicious and Gentle

Ingredients - Chocolate Pudding Ingredients: 
  • 200 grams of dark cooking chocolate (melted)
  • 100 ml of sweetened condensed milk vanilla
  • 50 grams sugar
  • 1 egg (beaten off)
  • 400 ml water
  • 1 packet gelatin without flavor 

  • Some raspberries as garnish (optional)

Fla Ingredients:
  • 200 ml of sweetened condensed milk vanilla
  • 1 egg (beaten off)
  • 1 teaspoon cornstarch
  • 1 tsp vanilla powder
  • 300 ml water
  • A little salt

How to make Chocolate pudding is tasty and easy

How to Make Chocolate Pudding:
  1. Prepare pudding mold any size, depending on your taste in accordance want to wear large prints or small print. Previous seal the mold with water first, set aside.
  2. Pour water, agar-agar powder, sugar and sweetened condensed milk. Cook and stir until sugar dissolves.
  3. Enter the chocolate has melted, stir again until blended.
  4. Take two tablespoons of chocolate pudding mixture and insert it into the bowl of eggs that have previously been shaken loose. Stir until well blended, then pour a little dough chocolate pudding being cooked. Stir continuously until dough is completely blended and boil.
  5. After boiling, remove the dough. Then stir briefly getting too hot when poured into the mold.
  6. Pour the chocolate pudding mixture in a mold that has been prepared, waiting chocolate pudding to cool. Then enter into the refrigerator.
  7. When served, give raspberries or sliced ​​fruit according to your taste at the top of the pudding, and a small cut, and place it beside the custard slices.
  8. Serve with fla.

How to Make Fla Pudding:
  1. Pour cornstarch, vanilla powder and salt into a container pot, mix
  2. Enter the sweetened condensed milk and water, cook and stir.
  3. Take the dough fla much as 2 tablespoons, mix into the container off the beaten egg. Then reinsert the dough into a container fla being cooked.
  4. Stir constantly until the mixture becomes thick and boil. Then lift the pudding batter fla.
  5. Pour into a clean container, let cool at room temperature.
  6. Serve with chocolate pudding Chocolate Pudding Recipe Delicious, Gentle and easy with Fla Sauce

It's easy and yummmy, Enjoy :-)

Benefits And Functions Pudding To Health

You know, the pudding has a very high fiber and certainly pudding made of gelatin derived from seaweed. The many benefits of seaweed that we can enjoy today. Harm them is

Benefits And Functions Pudding To Health
Benefits And Functions Pudding To Health

  • Preventing free radicals 
    seaweed green chlorophyll has antioxidants that act as antioxidants. Antioxidant alone can rid the body of free radicals that enter into our bodies.

  • Lose Weight 
    Now for overweight people who want to quickly direct, can be replaced with custard dinner menu. Telas As described earlier, this seaweed also has fiber or dietary fiber that serves filling the stomach and facilitate the body's metabolic processes.

  • Preventing breast cancer 
    A researcher at Harvard School Of Public Health in the United States shows that women premenepause in Japan have three times less chance of developing breast cancer than American women. Surely we know the Japanese have a habit of eating seaweed in the diet.

  • Preventing cardiovascular 
    The Japanese scientists have revealed that the seaweed extract which can contribute to lower blood pressure in hypertensive patients. Highly recommended eating seaweed for stroke patients. This is because kelp can absorb excess salt in a person's body.

T erimakasih for Reading Articles Recipes How to Make Chocolate pudding Creamy and Delicious
If you liked the article  Recipes How to Make Chewy Chocolate Pudding with Sauce and Soft Fla here please you like or share via facebook or twitter or google plus so  recipes pudding can provide more information about cake recipes as well as cooking and of course can be useful for you all: -) 

Finally, Good luck in the kitchen test your pet!